Sunday, February 15, 2009

13 yrs old DADDY!!!

btl..bce paper hrnie...

a 13 yrs old boy bcoming a dad after his gf(shld i say wife) ,15 yrs old gave birth to a baby girl...ths happen kat LONDON...(klo kat malaysia x tau la mn bdk nie nk sorokkn muke)

huh...13 thn dh jd dad..OMG...gile ke??x pkir ker future(PMR pown x lps lg..dush)...n yg paling pntinnye this boy is NOT EVEN BROKE HIS VOICE YET!!!..dh la pocket money die klo dlm RM bru RM 52 jer..bli satu tin susu pown mngigil dh...

n die dgn banggenye , rela picture die dgn BABY GIRL die dipampangkan kat paper...ya allah...mmg x sdr diri n tau malu btl...he also admitted that he was only 12 yrs old when he is doing that thing with that girl..

kpd kawan2 llaki ku yg membaca...

klo ye pown x leyh nk tahan...ready n aware la ngn precaution steps...nie nk pikir syok sndiri jer ngn anak dara org..klo dh mampu tu laen cite la kn...

back to the story...lps that baby lahir..muncul la 2 ke 3 org laki laen(umur 16 n 14) claimed baby tu deorg pny...siap kate nk bwat DNA test to approve the baby is

so...kawan2 prmpuan ku...
beringat sblm terkena..klo dh jadi bkn laki2 nie yg kite taw...


  1. kte pon tgk brite pasal tu
    kt Thai channel!!!

    bapak r budak laki tu.
    kecik lagi..
    da la muke comel.

    cm xsangka bleh wt ank
    org pregnant.

  2. idiots..
    ape gne CONDOM???!!!!
    mslah tol...
