Tuesday, March 16, 2010

remember me

rob patt is back,but not as the hot-shiny-super romantic vampire.whatever
although im no longer obsessing over edward,but still nk pergi tengokkk jugak
disebabkan pak cik edward nie lah i start collect n baca vampire-based novels
they are actually wayyyyy cooool ;D

the problem here is that my lazy/hibernating mode is activated.
malas sangatsangatsangat nak keluar rumah.nk duduk bilik je klo boleh(hols left few days je lagi kn)
unless if ade org ajak/nk temankan, im ok.yelah macam u semangat lah sikitkn nk keluar,kalau tolak then u'll disappoint that person pulak kn.(ngade? whatever)

tried to book tickets for tomorrow.disappointing =(

1 comment:

  1. nak tgok gak!!
    tpi skg ak x cuti..plus bz...

    ai laik rob patt..
    aww..nme mnje..ahaha
    *oke geli kan*

    btw ni nisa.XD
